Village of Luther History

The historical information provided has been gathered from old records, memories and family stories gathered by Donna Long and compiled by Joy Johnson. Its entirety can be read in the book “Country Roads Lead Home” – Luther area Centennal. Written by Joyous Sellers Johnson and Donna Petschauer Long.  Review Publishing Evart, Michigan 1976.


The first permanent settlers came in 1868 to Ellsworth Township and Luther was officially established in 1882. The Luther area consists of Ellsworth Township, Dover, North and South Newkirk Townships of Lake County. This area is also the former Luther Agriculture School District.

Settlers homesteaded land in this area under the newly provised Homestead Act of 1862 under President Lincoln. Civil War veterans were given first choice of such land. Henry Allen did such, followed by friends, on the Pine River.  His settlement was later called Ne-Bone-Shone. In 1868 Civil War veterans from Pennsylvania, John Nelson, A. Burdick and A. Hoover homesteaded in sec.1 and 11, adjacently, in Ellsworth Township. They were followed the same year by J.J. Raymond and Ernest Nichoson Family settling in southern Ellsworth Township.

Lumbering was discovered here in 1881 by Wilson, Luther, & Wilson Lumbering Firm. The beautiful stands of pine and hardwood proved very successful and soon many firms acquired positions here. Lumber camps sprung up through the area. Railroads, lumberjacks and their families, and businessmen thronged to these camps and eventually these camps became the towns of Luther, Carrieville, Bristol, Keenan, Canfield Rollaways, Hawks and Edgetts.

Wilson, Luther and Wilson Lumber Co. like every other logging camp was a self-sufficient community. They had their own store and necessary tradesmen poured into the camp.Boarding houses and hotels were soon erected to house the overflow of lumberjacks. Within a few months, rumors of the railroads coming to the area which provided another stimulus for folks to settle here.

The name “Wilsonville” was chosen for this lumber camp town in 1882, after the two Wilson brothers, but word came back from Lansing of an already existing Wilson post office. So the name “Luther” was decided upon, for the remaining firm member, Wm. A. Luther. Thus Luther was officially named.

The railroads in the area were the GR & I – Grand Rapids & Indiana, which ran as far as Carreyville from the connection at Orono (near Ashton) and the ME & W-Michigan East and West which ran from Manistee to Marion.

Townships roads were built by the residents themselves. Many “worked out” their taxes by working on the roads.

The original plat of Luther was recorded March 13, 1882. Luther lay on both sides of State Road placing part in Ellsworth Township and part in Newkirk Township. The Portion in Ellsworth was given the name “Wilsons’s Addition” and the Village of Luther” lay in Newkirk.


Luther, today, consists of; a post office, library, bank, store, museum, senior center, Lions Club, Ellsworth and Newkirk Township Halls, Fraternal Order of Masons, nearby Careyville gas station, two restaurant / bars and several churches. The Churches are St. Ignatius (Catholic), Church of Christ, Luther Baptist Church, Methodist Church, The Seventh Day Adventist Church and Edgetts Wesleyan Church. The Village of Luther has two beautiful parks. The South Park is located by the Mill Pond Dam along the “Little Manistee” river and the second is located on the north end of town, named after Dr, Earl Fairbanks and Mrs. Fannie Fairbanks, called Fairbanks Park.

Luther is serviced by the Lake County Sheriff’s department in Baldwin Michigan and a local volunteer fire department.

Luther celebrates all of the holidays but, nothing quite like “Luther Days”. This festival is celebrated during the Fourth of July week. It starts with the 4th of July parade and is a grand event that includeslocal area veterans, classic cars, homemade floats, county and state vehicles, farm equipment and public service vehicles. Several thousand people attend and have a great time. Other venues include outside vendors, barbecues and different foods, fireworks, log cutting contest, horseshoe tournaments, out-house race, a rodeo event, music and more.

The local area is home to many ATV and snow mobile trails, hunting and fishing opportunities, lakes with beaches, campgrounds, golf courses, snow skiing, canoeing and kayaking. Luther is also on the National Bike Route #20 trail.